Monday, March 10, 2014

Tale of Two Farms Quotes Reactions by Joshua Bonaparte

"My trips to Huls and Gardar farms, thousands of miles apart but visited during the same summer, vividly brought home to me the conclusion that even the richest, technologically most advanced societies today face growing environmental and economic problems that should not be underestimated." (Diamond 17)
 The quote above really brings into light a problem so basic that it is often over looked. The problem is that our generation is a highly technological based community and we lean on technology to help us with all aspects of our life. With any problem nowadays the one and only answer is technology. Diamond shows this not to be a true solution by using the two farms as examples of high technologically advanced places that still feel the strain of economic problems and environmental problems.
"The past offers us a rich database from which we can learn, in order that we may keep on succeeding" (Diamond 17)
History repeats itself and those who ignore it will be faced with the same downfalls of those before them. There is no better teacher then time itself. It is important for us as a whole to pay attention to those who came before us so that we may be prepared for unseen events in the future. For us to advance and keep succeeding we must take a slower more thought out approach to everything that we do.
"Natural climate changes may make conditions either better or worse for any particular human society".(Diamond 29)
I thought that this quote was interesting because of how the information was presented. It is normal to assume that when one hears the dreaded words climate change they instantly think of global warming and a crisis that is waiting to happen. This quote on the other hand kind of plays both sides of the field saying that the type of climate change and location of a society can affect whether the outcome is good or bad. Unfortunately even if we would like to believe climate change is as simple as good versus bad it isn't there are many factors contributing to both ends of the scale.

Sources: Diamond, J. (2005). A tale of two farms. Penguin.

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